Kids for FreedomBrings Children to Marmaris
The children attending the activity all suffer from psychological disorders and come from economically disadvantaged families. The activity is organized for the second year and during the week, children will sail around Marmaris.
The children, all between the ages of 10 and 15, come from Germany, Austria, Jordan, Holland, Czech Republic and Slovakia and they will meet with their peers from Turkey.
The children will shop and cook for themselves throughout the activity week. They will also receive training on subjects like safety on sea, sharing a social environment and leading independent lives.
Bernhard Blaha, the director of IYC, says their goal is to demonstrate that the children of the world could share a peaceful life in spite of religious, linguistic or cultural differences.
Blaha adds, "These kids had to face problems at an early age and are less advantageous compared to others. We follow their educations and support them financially so that they will be brought up as best as they could." (EÜ/AB)