Kidnapped Personnel Returned

The delegation that set off yesterday from Turkey in order to meet eight public officials who had been kidnapped by the PKK has reached the PKK camp. According to the ANF, the delegation first met with an HPG [the People’s Defence Force] delegation under HPG military council member Baver Dersim and then spoke to the kidnapped soldiers. It has been reported that the soldiers are in good health and their health reports were handed over.
Hüsamettin Zemberlioğlu from the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) has said that there have been no problems in the handing over of the hostages.
The news item by the ANF includes statements by the hostages:
Kenan Erenoğlu, a district official candidate: We are observing a positive period. We are leaving in a more positive atmosphere. I am happy to be reunited with my family.
Petty officer Abdullah Söpçeler: I am happy to be meeting my family. We experienced what had to be experienced. I hope it will turn out well.
Police officer Nadir Özgen: I expect this process to be good. We have been listening to developments in the radio. Hopefully, the process will succeed.
Private Hadi Gizli: It has been a long time. I hope it will turn out well.
Private Ramazan Başaran: I hope the process will turn out well.
Private Reşat Çeçen: I hope there will be peace.
Sergeant Kemal Ekinci: The process is going well. [When I was kidnapped] my child was not born, hopefully I will see it. I am happy to be reunited with my family.
Sergeant Zihni Koç: Like my friends, I am happy.
Delegation left two days ago
Two days ago, a delegation set off, made up of Öztürk Türkdoğan, head of the Human Rights Association (IHD), Hüsamettin Zenderlioğlu, BDP MP for Bitlis, Adil Kurt, MP for Hakkari, Raci Bilici, the head of the IHD branch in Diyarbakır, and Faruk Ünsal, head of the MAZLUMDER human rights association. (HK/AG/KU)