‘Keep the Volume up for Rights Defenders in Turkey’ Website Opens

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Three rights organizations Association Monitoring Equal Rights, Netherlands Helsinki Committee and Truth Justice Memory Center have created the website "Keep the Volume up for Rights Defenders in Turkey."
Sharing up-to-date information on the trials of rights defenders in Turkey, the website will also share the recent development under the title of "News".
All developments regarding lawsuits
In the "About Us" part of the sessizkalma.org website, the objective and content of the website are explained in following words:
"Human rights defenders from different corners of society – lawyers, teachers, journalists, scientists, union activists – face serious pressures in doing their work in Turkey. Their aim is to protect fellow citizens from unjust and inhumane policies; they speak up and act when people's human rights are being infringed upon. Yet in Turkey rights defenders are increasingly being intimidated, detained and imprisoned.
"Their struggle deserves more visibility and national and international solidarity. As three organisations (Association Monitoring Equal Rights, Netherlands Helsinki Committee and Truth Justice Memory Center) working on human rights, both in Turkey and abroad, we felt called to join forces. With this initiative we want to 'keep the volume up' and make sure human rights defenders under threat can continue their important work.
"We created this online resource to bring together updates and information on the situation in Turkey. It is meant for all those interested to support or understand human rights defence in Turkey better: civil society, journalists, international organisations and citizens who care about the Rule of Law and democracy in Turkey.
"We are monitoring court cases where Defenders are prosecuted. You will find a calendar for important trial dates, overview and news on individual cases, our statements well as information on possibilities for actions. We also provide other Defenders with important resources as well as a list emergency support options for when you, as a human rights advocate, need assistance." (DB/SD)