KCK Must Persist Truce, Government Must Stop Operations

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chairs have issued a joint press release after the November 1 general election.
The statement issued bearing signatures of co-chairs, Figen Yüksekdağ, Selahattin Demirtaş, Emine Ayna, Kamuran Yüksek, Sebahat Tuncel, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, Selma Irmak, Hatip Dicle, Group of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) has been called on to persist unilateral truce and the government has been called on to halt all military and police operations to make truce mutual.
Öcalan must again be effective
Some notes from the statement that stresses parliament should take in charge to resolve Kurdish question are as follows:
A joint commission to be formed in parliament must come to the fore as the addressee of resolution process and society's expectation for peace must be met with a program of democracy to stop war. Should AKP (Justice and Development Party) respecting such a will to resolution agree to return to peace process and hand peace process to parliament with new mechanisms, we will too respect this approach.
Parliament may be turned into the center of resolution process creating conditions in which Mr. Öcalan who has been kept in lockdown for seven months can play his role more effectively. Our country may take important steps on the way to institutionalized and rooted democracy with a democratic, civil libertarian constitution. Security-oriented policies must be immediately abandoned. Future Turkey might be built all together step by step.
CHP must do its share
We would like it to be known that we are ready to take every kinds of right steps in case a positive approach is developed. No one should have suspicion that we will do our share to begin a new period starting from using a language to end tension and polarization in line with our peoples' common interests.
We hope that Republican Peoples' Party (CHP), as the main opposition party, will bravely do its share for the sake of democracy in these historic days.
We desire Justice and Development Party (AKP) will act right-minded by drawing correct conclusions from all these happenings. We call for to abandon any decision that might grow the war inside and outside and to stop insisting on this understanding that has reached on the brink of the abyss. (NV/TK)
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