KCK Co-Chair Bayık: PKK Defends Itself

Group of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) Co-Chairperson of Executive Council Cemil Bayık, made statements to Erdal Er from Med Nuçe TV:
“We defend ourselves”
“It is a truth that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (the President) and Justice and Development Party (AKP) broke the cease-fire. We defend ourselves in a war that was started and this is our incontestable right. United Nations conventions say if a people is attacked that people defends themselves. PKK defends itself.”
“They ended resolution process”
“They broke the cease-fire and ended resolution process. This means war.”
Self-government in local regions
“Local people should govern themselves and defend themselves. They should choose their governors, district governors and officials. The people do it right now.”
Conditions for a cease-fire
“If Turkish state, Erdoğan and AKP, release the prisoners they jailed, stop politicide and all military air and other operations, accept and declare the negotiations in order to solve Kurdish Question, accept fortified cease-fire, improve the conditions of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, provide a free environment for the negotiations and make Öcalan the chief negotiator, form a monitoring delegation for the fortified cease-fire, start negotiations immediately, accept the existence of an objective third party and provide these conditions, we are ready to immediately declare the cease-fire.”
“Guerilla won’t retreat”
“It is out of the question for guerilla to retreat. The ones who don’t want to solve the problems claim that. No one can force us to retreat from northern Iraq or to lay down arms.” (AS/BD)
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