KCK: A Democratic Attitude Needed to Prevent War

Group of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) made a statement yesterday:
“A democratic political attitude is needed in order to prevent cease-fire and no conflicting from abusing and to prevent new wars and conflicts.”
We’ve declared ceasefire many times
Headlines from the statement of KCK:
* As a freedom movement, we have declared ceasefire many times. However, none of them was appraised for a democratic political solution and that’s why war and war policies were executed and left Kurdish Question unsolved.
* A democratic political attitude providing permanent peace is needed in order to prevent cease-fire and no conflicting from abusing and to prevent new wars and conflicts.
Öcalan should negotiate
* First of all, a political willpower and resolution power is needed which enables Abdullah Öcalan to negotiate in a free environment and transform these negotiations into constitutional and legal norms.
Detentions should stop; outposts and military dams shouldn’t be built
* A reinforced truce is needed without detentions, outposts, military roads and dams and preventing democratic organizations and this determined struggle.
* Negotiations with the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan should start immediately and all political prisoners under arrest since 2013 Newroz celebrations should be released.
A monitoring committee should be formed
* A monitoring committee is needed for observing negotiations objectively and revealing acts and behaviors against cease-fire.
* Peoples want an absolute democratization. When we actualize it, Turkey and the Middle East will have the real peace and the democratization will lead the way. (NV/BD)
Click here to read the article in Turkish