Justice Ministry Rejects Ocalan Appointment

Justice Ministry rejected the appointment request made by Peace and Democracy Party co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş and Democratic Society Congress co-chair Ahmet Türk to meet Abdullah Ocalan in Imrali island. The original meeting set up anticipated that Turkey's four prominent Kurdish leaders - PDP and DCS co-chairs- would head to Imrali island this morning.
According to Radikal newspaper, the meeting cancellation might due to Ahmet Turk's comments during the funeral ceremony of the 3 slain Kurdish women. On Friday, Türk severely criticized Turkish Army for maintaining its air strikes on PKK militia despite the ongoing negotiation process that created a de facto detente.
"We are sending to [Imrali] island. But there won't be another deal if you severely criticize our efforts. You can't say that 'PM is throwing bombs on Kurdish people'. It is not why you were sent there for," PM Erdogan said yesterday while addressing his parliamentary group.
Ahmet Türk also responded to PM Erdogan's latest statement, saying that it was contradictory to throw bombs in one place and make peace in another. "This creates a mistrust among Kurdish people. The army held air strikes with 50 jet fighters while PKK showed no sign of offense. I just expressed my views on the issue." (EKN)