Justice Academy of Turkey Established

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The Presidential Decree no. 34, which foresees the establishment of Justice Academy of Turkey, was published on the Official Gazette today (May 2).
Affiliated with the Ministry of Justice, the academy will train judicial personnel, especially judges and prosecutors.
It was closed by a statutory decree
Established by the Law no. 4954, which was published on the Official Gazette on July 31, 2003, the Justice Academy of Turkey was closed by the Statutory Decree no. 703 during the State of Emergency on July 9, 2018.
After the academy was closed, the Training Center for Judges and Prosecutors was founded by the same statutory decree.
With the Presidential Decree published on the Official Gazette today, the Training Center for Judges and Prosecutors has been closed and the Justice Academy of Turkey has been established again.
It will train judges and prosecutors
The Justice Academy of Turkey will train prospective judges and prosecutors as well as judges and prosecutors who are already on duty.
Upon request, the academy will also offer training programs to notaries, lawyers and the ones who are deemed eligible for the training.
Tasked with organizing specialization and certificate programs as well as courses, seminaries, conferences and similar events in the field of law and justice, the Justice Academy of Turkey can also establish a databank and library to release publications on law and justice.
The Consultative Committee of the academy will consist of academics and judges. Lecturers and instructors working in higher education institutions can also be appointed as instructors in the Justice Academy.
Moreover, upon the request of Academy Chair, the Council of State and Supreme Court of Accounts members, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries and other persons specialized in their fields can teach at the academy if they are deemed suitable by the related authorities.
All services of the Academy, except for the trainings of judges and prosecutors, will be provided for a fee.
The academy will be inspected by judicial inspectors. (AS/SD)