Journey Towards History of Schizophrenia

When was the schizophrenia given its name first, where does the term asylum come from, how were the mental disorders diagnosed, why were "mad" women burnt in medieval, and answers to many other questions can be found in Let Us Not Overlook - Journey of Schizophrenia from Prehistory to Modern-Day" exhibition.
Schizophrenics battle social prejudices and labeling in Turkey as well as in the rest of the world. Especially news like "schizophrenics confirmed this/confirmed that" consolidate these prejudices. Even though there are 51 million schizophrenics in the world and 600,000 in Turkey, not running into them frequently in daily life proves there is such a prejudice.
Nowadays, it is not fought only to take symptoms of schizophrenics under control but to have them take part in life as independent individuals, and this exhibition aims to increase the awareness and mindfulness as to schizophrenia.
The exhibition does not only focus on schizophrenia, it also explains the methods used in diagnosing mental disorders from prehistory to modern-day, and approach of western and eastern societies in different eras by means of interesting visuals and animations.
In the cabins designed to develop empathy the voices that schizophrenics hear are being animated.
One of the treatment methods used 200 years ago "head spinning" experience is being exhibited at the swing bearing, which highly draws interest. Do not forget to read the warnings at entrance before trying those experiences.
What is trepanation?Since it is believed that mental patients were possessed by evil spirits in ancient times, their skulls were drilled (trepanation). This practice that lasted unti the beginning of modern ages is deemed first operation. Most of the patients were losing their lives. |
Gevher Nesibe Heal HouseUnits of scholars such as Ibni Sina, Biruni and Razi at Gevher Nesibe hatun (woman) Heal House, which opened in 1204 in Kayseri at Seljuqs period, were used in treatment of patients. In the 18-room section, patients were treated by means of sounds of water and music in cubbies. It was in service until 1890. |
Trial and error in schizophreniaIt was Swiss Eugen Bieuler who firstly used the term schizophrenia in 1911. After this term, it was focused on treatment methods. However, as physiopathology of schizophrenia was not known, all treatment methods were based on trial and error system. Sleep treatment, lack of oxygen, and carbondioxide inhalation, etc. |
Where does "tımarhane" (asylum) term come from?Süleymaniye, which was the biggest hopital in Ottoman period and built in 16th centurey, was neglected in 1870s. Patients were being kep at the same place as horses, furthermore they were exhibited as circus animals. So the term tımarhane comes from the word "tımar" where both mental patients and horses were being kept. Italian doctor Luigi Mogeri Pere put an end to practice of enchaining mental patients in Süleymaniye Hospital as in European mental hospitals. |
The feeless exhibition organized with the contributions of Abdi İbrahim Otsuka may be visited until October 25 in Harbiye Askeri Müzesi (Harbiye Military Museum) and may be visited between the dates of November 5-15 in Ankara Vermodern. (NV/TK)
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