Journalists Müyesser Yıldız, İsmail Dükel face up to 10 years in prison
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The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has issued an indictment against Oda TV Ankara News Director Müyesser Yıldız, who is currently arrested pending trial in Sincan Prison in Ankara, TELE 1 Ankara Representative İsmail Dükel and Sergeant Erdal Baran, who is also arrested.
Charged with "disclosing the information that needs to remain confidential for the security or benefit of the state," Yıldız, Dükel and Baran are now facing 5 to 10 years in prison each on the offense charged.
Prepared by the Terror Crimes Investigation Bureau of the prosecutor's office, the indictment has been sent to the Ankara 26th Heavy Penal Court.
What happened?
In operations conducted in Ankara on June 8, 2020, TELE 1 Ankara Representative İsmail Dükel, Odatv Ankara News Director Müyesser Yıldız and Sergeant Erdal Baran were taken into custody.
Sending a message via her attorney while she was still in detention, Müyesser Yıldız said, "The essence and center of this operation is, unfortunately, me. Some people are really afraid that behind the scenes of July 15 [coup attempt in 2016] will be questioned and they are trying to prevent this from happening. That is why they seized my computers without image acquisition again. So, there must be something they fear."
Held in custody for four days, Yıldız, Dükel and Baran were referred to the courthouse for their deposition at the prosecutor's office on June 12.
Interrogated by Deputy Public Prosecutor Veysel Kaçmaz from the Terror Crimes Investigation Bureau, the journalists and the sergeant were referred to the judgeship with a request for their arrest.
While Müyesser Yıldız and Erdal Baran have been arrested, İsmail Dükel has been released on probation.
The judgeship has ruled for the arrest of Yıldız and Baran on the grounds that there was strong suspicion suggesting the committal of the crime "disclosing the information and documents relating to the security of the state" as per the Article 329 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) and that there was a flight risk and risk of spoliation of evidence. (EKN/SD)