Journalists İshak Yasul and Hicran Urun Released

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The fourth hearing of 14 workers of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi (Libertarian Democracy) newspaper, which was closed after a trustee was appointed, was held at the İstanbul 23rd Heavy Penal Court yesterday (April 10).
The fourth hearing of the case, where five workers of the newspaper were arrested pending trial, was attended by four arrested defendants, namely Managing Editor of the newspaper İshak Yasul, its Grant Holder İhsan Yaşar and Editors Mehmet Ali Çelebi and Hicran Urun. Being tried without arrest, defendants Ramazan Sola and Pınar Tarlak also appeared in court.
The prosecutor announced its opinion as to the accusations and demanded that Hicran Urun, İhsan Yaşar, Pınar Tarlak, Mehmet Ali Çelebi, İshak Yasul and Reyhan Hacıoğlu be penalized on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization", "repeatedly printing and publishing the publications of the organization" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization."
The prosecutor also demanded that Ramazan Sola and Mizgin Fendik be penalized for "knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization as non-members" and the case files of journalists, against whom an arrest warrant was issued, be separated from others.
Two journalists released on probation
Taking the floor after the statements of arrested defendants İshak Yasul, İhsan Yaşar, Mehmet Ali Çelebi and Hicran Uran, their attorneys Özcan Kılıç and Müslüm Kocaoğlu emphasized that there is no concrete evidence in the trials. They also requested additional time from the court board to prepare their statements of defense as to the accusations.
Announcing its judgement, the court board has ruled that journalists İshak Yasul and Hicran Urun shall be released on probation with an international travel ban. The next hearing will be held on June 28, 2019.
What happened?On March 28, police raided the central office of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper in the district of Beyoğlu in İstanbul and the Gün Printing House, where the issues of the newspaper were printed. When the attorneys reached the central office of the newspaper, there was someone in suit who said that he was an official from the Saving Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF). Although it was alleged that a trustee was appointed, it could not be officially confirmed. During the raids on March 28 and the house raids on the following days, 33 people from the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper and Gün Printing House were taken into custody, including the Grant Holder of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi İhsan Yaşar, its Managing Editor İshak Yasul and the owner of Gün Printing House Kasım Zengin. On April 5, eight people were arrested on charge of "aiding an illegal organization knowingly and willfully as non-members." 12 other people, including the owner of Gün Printing House Kasım Zengin were also arrested on charges of "membership of an illegal organization" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization." Grant Holder of Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper İhsan Yaşar and its Managing Editor İshak Yasul were arrested on charge of "being a member of an illegal organization" and propagandizing for a terrorist organization" on April 6. Detained during the operation launched on March 28, 20 workers of Gün Printing House were arrested by the court they stood trial. Arrested defendant Pınar Tarlak was released in the first hearing of the case held at the İstanbul 23rd Heavy Penal Curt on September 12, 2018. |
About Özgürlükçü Demokrasi NewspaperAfter Özgür Gündem newspaper was closed on August 16, 2016, Özgürlükçü Gündem newspaper started to be published on August 23, 2016. Started to be published by Nesrin Media, Publishing and Distribution, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi was recently published and distributed by Engin Media, Publishing Industry and Trade Limited Company. The newspaper reported the arrests of Özgür Gündem's Executive Editor Zana Kaya and its Editor-in-Chief İnan Kızılkaya in the subheading of its first issue. Kaya and Kızılkaya were arrested on August 22, 2016. Kaya was released on December 29, 2016 and Kızılkaya on November 1, 2017. |