Journalists in Front of Metris Prison for Arrested Editors-in-Chief on Watch

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The journalists have gathered in front of Metris Prison and held a press statement this morning (June 24, 2016) demanding release of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu, Turkey Human Rights Foundation (TİHV) President Şebnem Korur Fincancı and journalist author Ahmet Nesin.
The call for the press statement has been made by RSF, Journalists Association of Turkey (TGS), Confederation of Progressive Press Unions of Turkey (DİSK) - Press-Labor, Freedom for Journalists Platform. In order to support the press statement, also Erol Önderoğlu’s family, Ahmet Nesin’s wife Hilal Nesin as well as bianet Project Advisor Nadire Mater, TGS President Uğur Güç, DiSK-Press Union Executive Board member Ayşe Düzkan, Amnesty International Turkey Campaigns & Advocacy Director Ruhat Sena Akşener, Berna Akkızal from Initiative Against Thoughtcrime, Academic Ceren Sözeri and journalists Ahmet Şık, Bülent Mumay, Zeynep Erdim and Elif Akgül.
Deloire: Our Struggle Will Continue Until They Are Freed
RSF Director Christophe Deloire has held the first speech of the press statement:
Deloire has noted the arrest of Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Ahmet Nesin who had assumed the task of Editor-in-Chief on Watch to support Özgür Gündem daily which had suffered under the oppression of the Government was against the freedom of speech and press as well as most fundamental human rights.
Deloire has noted that he would like to say some word for their Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu in particular;
“Erol Önderoğlu has been the Turkey Representative of Turkey for 20 years. During this period, he has fought for the rights of all journalists without discriminating any party or difference of opinion. That’s why he is in prison right now. We will now take over the struggle Erol had been carrying out for years and will continue by increasing the pressure until our journalist friends are freed”.
Gürsel: They’re mistaken if they assume they could intimidate us
The letters written by Erol Önderoğlu and Ahmet Nesin under arrest in Metris Prison have been read out by International Press Institute (IPI) President of Turkey National Committee Kadri Gürsel.
Ahead of reading the letters, Kadri Gürsel has held a brief speech and noted that he had participated on behalf of the Freedom for Journalists Platform. Gürsel has expressed that keeping the three Editors-in-Chief on Watch under arrest served the purpose of intimidation and terrorization and added; “If they assume that they could deter us from our struggle and solidarity, then they are mistaken. We are here, we act in solidarity and we grow stronger with time”.
Gürsel has later read out the letters.
June 23, 2016 Metris Prison Under different regimes,Turkey has recently increased the level of crackdown on journalists and its opponents to such an extent that its practice also covers all groups outside the government. What we have observed in front of Metris Prison is that all democratic and sensible colleagues, legists and activists who believe in freedom of press, expression and thought have made an impact together. I hereby greet the mobilization accomplished by the RSF, which I am a representative of, international and national journalism organizations, writer institutions and the overall rights movement against the oppression on journalism as well as jurists, academics and opponent politicians. Together we will carry on with the fight for our rights, be it in prison or on the street. With love, Erol Önderoğlu |
23 June, 2016 Metris Prison Dear Friends, Nowadays, there is nothing easier than being sent to prison of a country which disregards law. In a country where peace and democracy are not experienced at all and therefore are unknown, putting up a fight for these is difficult for sure. But these difficulties have never dissuaded us from our belief in freedom. We had it difficult also in the past. But what is different today is that we are not only faced with someone who doesn’t want democracy but also doesn’t know democracy. Therefore whatever we explain to that person is futile. Naturally, those who think that democracy is only composed of elections, elections are to be in power alone and power alone means that there is no opposition don’t know and don’t want to know democracy. Because there is only one explanation for this and that is FASCİSM. Those who think that democracy is only in their power do also not know FASCİSM. So, don’t be mad at their ignorance. I hope we make the last link. But I don’t think so because we are fighting against a single man who doesn’t know anything. This ongoing fascism will soon make the crack within the AKP (Justice and Development Party) bigger. Do not be surprised if arrests within the AKP are carried out to avoid this. Fascism has taught me many things but in these 13 years, at most not to be surprised. With friendly greetings and love for you all, Ahmet Nesin
Pradel: An indicator of increasing crackdown
The press statement has been made by International Human Rights Organization
“Detention of Şebnem, Erol and Ahmet is directly linked to their legitimate and peaceful work in the defence of freedom of press in Turkey.
“Their detention is yet another illustration of the increasing crackdown and pattern of harassment against human rights defenders in Turkey, under abusive and trumped-up-terrorism-related-accusations;
“We call for the immediate and unconditional release of Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Erol Önderoğlu and Ahmet Nesin, as provided by Turkey’s international human rights obligations. (HK/DG)
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