Journalists Emir and Yılmaz Died in Earthquake - Winter Takes its Toll

Journalists Cem Emir and Sebahattin Yılmaz from the Doğan News Agency (DHA) lost their lives in the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that hit the city of Van (eastern Turkey) on 9 November. The quake came as an aftershock of the major earthquake that had rocked the region with a force of 7.2 on Richter Scale on 23 October.
The funeral ceremonies for Van reporter Yılmaz Diyarbakır and Emir, reporter for the south-eastern province of Diyarbakır, were held on Sunday (13 November).
Emir was laid to rest in the district of Hozat (Çığırlı village) after a ceremony at the Dersim Cem House. Yılmaz was buried at the Eski Asri Cemetery in his hometown of Erzurum (north-eastern Turkey).
Emir and Yılmaz were in Van in order to follow the developments after the major earthquake in October. The 7.2 seismic shock with its epicentre in Eriç had caused the death of more than 600 people.
Both Cem Emir and Sebahattin Yılmaz were reported missing subsequent to the 5.6 magnitude aftershock on 9 November. In the night from Friday to Saturday (11/12 November), first Emir's body was found at around 22.30 pm. Towards the morning at around 4.00 am, also the remains of Yılmaz emerged from under the rubbles.
Nylon shelters against wintry weather conditions
People who lost their homes stay in tents or in primitive shelters they put up themselves because they were not able to find a tent. Six-year-old boy Deniz Olgun died of pneumonia he caught after wintery weather conditions made the situation even more difficult due to the cold. The family of Deniz was not able to find a tent after the earthquake so they stayed with twelve family members in a shelter made of nylon.
This first news of a death on the grounds of difficult conditions after the earthquake was reported by journalist Nevzat Çiçek on Twitter on 11 November. (EKN/HK/VK)