Journalist Saymaz' s Toll: 107-year Prison Threat

Two new trials were opened against Radikal newspaper reporter İsmail Saymaz on the grounds of his book "The postmodern Jihad" and his article entitled "The Sultanbeyli Courthouse". Saymaz has twelve cases pending already, one of them by reason of his news item about the arrest of İlhan Cihaner, Public Chief Prosecutor of Erzincan (north-eastern Anatolia). The journalist faces up to 97 years in jail for those twelve trials.
The additional case regarding the book was now launched at the Special Authority 2nd High Criminal Court of Erzurum (eastern Anatolia). Saymaz is tried over allegations of "targeting people on anti-terror duties", an offence that carries prison terms of up to three years. The first hearing of the case will be held on 26 April.
The book "The postmodern Jihad" was furthermore the reason for a compensation claim of TL 7,000 (€ 3,500) previously filed against the journalist by Prosecutor Osman Şanalı.
Saymaz is not the only author sued for his book on the procedures in Erzincan. Ali Dağlar from the Hürriyet newspaper is standing trial on the grounds of his book "Master 01"; Cumhuriyet newspaper writer İlhan Taşçı is in the dock for his book entitled "Justice in a Gown".
Furthermore, Saymaz will now also be tried because of alleged "defamation, insult and influencing the judiciary". The charges stem from the journalist's criticism of the "ethics" regarding the co-operation of Uğur Gökkoyun, Prosecutor at the Courthouse of Sultanbeyli (Asian side of Istanbul), and his wife, Judge Dilek Gökkoyun. Hence, Saymaz is facing another prison sentence of up to ten years.
Saymaz briefly commented the two new trials launched against him and drew attention to a common feature of both cases, saying that "both prosecutors involved have filed their complaints at the courthouses they are working at". (EÇ/EÖ/VK)
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