Journalist Mehmet Faraç Detained

Aydınlık newspaper’s Journalist Mehmet Faraç who is also a TV Host at Halk TV was detained at 5 a.m. today in a hotel that he stayed in Adana province of central Turkey.
Journalist Faraç announced his detention via his twitter account. He would have made a television program at Çukurova TV.
Faraç stated via twitter he was arrested for his column titled “The backyard of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its mindset” which had been published on April 18, 2014 at Aydınlık newspaper.
According to CNN Türk, the journalist was detained upon the complaint of the principal of an Islamic Divinity Students High-school in Mersin province in southern Turkey.
Journalist Mehmet Faraç has been released after 5 hours of detention. (EA/BD)
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