Journalist Kılıç Speaks About Refugees on Macedonian Border

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Police have intervened in the refugees whom have already been waiting on Greece-Macedonia border for two months.
Bülent Kılıç from AFP has said the refugees wanted the Macedonian border to be opened as soon as possible.
Kılıç in his statement to bianet explained that the overall condition of the refugees is very bad, and that in front of the clinics are swarmed with sick children awaiting treatment.
"The biggest clinic here belongs to Doctors Without Borders (MSF). Other than that, there are clinics established by some aid organizations. There are long queues in front of the clinics. Diseases increase as they wait".
There are approximately 12,000 refugees in the camp in Idemoni, Greece.
"They live side by side with toilets"
Kılıç saying the refugees waiting for to cross into Macedonia from Greece don't have much food problem, noted that the aid organizations aid provide food and water but there is a serious hygiene issue.
"Everywhere smells sewage. They live side by side with toilets. Some are getting sick. Their condition of staying is very bad, and getting worse day by day".
"They are stuck in between. They want to cross the border. Majority of them are already the ones who came before the agreement, thus they have right to cross but Macedonia stalls them".
"Macedonian police throw rock at them"
Around 500 people among the refugees tried to pull down the barbed wires set by Macedonian security forces yesterday (April 11).
Macedonian police intervened in the refugees with teargas, plastic bullet, and shock bomb.
Achilleas Tzemos, an MSF representative told that over 260 people wounded in the police attack. 200 people have been taken under treatment over inhalation difficulty, 30 over plastic bullet injury, and 30 over other diseases.
Bülent Kılıç also expressed that there are people wounded by gas cartridge and plastic bullets.
Kılıç noted that Macedonian police treat harsh agains the refugees, even sometimes even throw rocks at the refugees on the other side of the border.
Kılıç in response to our question as to the white matter on their faces said, "They are applying toothbrush on their faces to be safe from pepper gas".
Kılıç added that Greek police haven't involved. (AS/TK)
* Photos: Giannis Papanikos – İdiomani / AA
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