Journalist Handcuffed Behind the Back During News Follow-up

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Going to the scene of incident after a vehicle span out of control and crashed into a shop in Gaziosmanpaşa district in İstanbul, journalist Ümit Uzun, a reporter for the Demirören News Agency (DHA), has been taken into custody by the police by being battered. Police officers leaned his head against the wall and handcuffed him behind his back.
Released from detention after deposing at the police station, Uzun has filed a criminal complaint against the officers.
After journalist Yağız Şenkal has shared the video featuring the moment Uzun was taken into custody, professional journalism organizations have denounced the incident.
Mentioning the Directorate General of Security, Şenkal said, "Can you please tell me why Ümit Uzun was battered by the police and detained with rear-handcuffing? Is it a new technique to hold the arms of journalists and prevent them from shooting? Can you please enlighten us?"
Sn. @EmniyetGM, İstanbul Halkalı’daki kaza sonrası DHA muhabiri Ümit Uzun’un neden polislerce darp edilip, ters kelepçe ile gözaltına alındığını söyleyebilir misiniz acaba? Kameramanların kolunu tutup çekip yaptırmayı engellemek yeni bir teknik mi? Aydınlatır mısınız?
— yağız şenkal (@yagizsenkal) August 29, 2019
Other reactions against the incident are as follows:
RSF’den @ErolOnderoglu : İstanbul Halkalı’daki kaza sonrası DHA muhabiri Ümit Uzun’un polislerce darp edilip, ters kelepçeyle gözaltına alınmasını protesto ediyoruz. Polislik meslekse, gazetecilik nedir peki? Emniyet yetkilileri bu keyfi tutumu izah etmeli, edebiliyorlarsa!
— RSF Türkçe (@RSF_tr) August 29, 2019
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Representative to Turkey Erol Önderoğlu: "We protest the battery and detention of DHA reporter Ümit Uzun in rear-handcuffing by the police after an accident in Halkalı, İstanbul. If policing is a profession, what about journalism? Law enforcement authorities should explain this arbitrary attitude, if they can!"
Bunun adı polis şiddeti de değil işkencedir, güpegündüz, herkesin gözü önünde. Bir zamanlar binaların mahzenlerinde yapılan işkencenin sokağa taşınmasıdır.
— DİSK Basın-İş (@Disk_Basin_is) August 30, 2019
DİSK Basın-İş (Press-Labor) Union: "It is not called police violence, but torture in broad daylight and before the eyes of everyone. It means carrying the torture that used to be inflicted in cellars to the street."
Demirören Haber Ajansı (DHA) muhabiri @_umituzun haber takibi yaptığı sırada polisler tarafından ters kelepçe takılarak gözaltına alındı. İfadesinin ardından serbest bırakılan Uzun'a uygulanan polis şiddetini kınıyoruz!#GazetecilikSuçDeğildir
— Gazeteci Dayanışma Ağı (@gazeteciagi) August 29, 2019
Journalism Solidarity Network: "Demirören News Agency (DHA) Reporter Ümit Uzun was taken into custody by the police by being handcuffed behind the back while he was doing news follow-up. We condemn the police violence against Uzun, who was released after his deposition. Journalism is not a crime." (HA/SD)