Journalist Hakan Gülseven and Taylan Kulaçoğlu Taken into Custody

* Photo: Evrensel
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Targeted by mainstream media outlets due the "Movement of the Nameless" (İsimsizler Hareketi) campaign that he has launched on social media, Taylan Kulaçoğlu was detained in Ayvalık, Balıkesir yesterday evening (May 17).
Taylan Kulaçoğlu announced his detention on his Twitter account, posting a brief message: "I am being detained."
Gözaltına alınıyorum.
— Taylan Kulaçoğlu (@TaylanKulacogIu) May 17, 2020
Following his detention, journalist Hakan Gülseven, the Editor-in-Chief of RED magazine, also shared a brief message on his Twitter account and announced that he was being detained as well:
"And, yes, I am on my way to detention as well! It is shameful, but it is the situation of the country now! I cannot know exactly what it is about. An explanation is to be made."
Ve evet, ben de gözaltına gidiyorum! Utanç verici bir durum ama memleketin hali bu! Durumun ne olduğunu tam olarak bilemiyorum. Açıklama yapılacaktır.
— Hakan Gülseven (@gulsevenhakan) May 17, 2020
Kulaçoğlu to be referred to courthouse today
Dilara Kara, the attorney of Taylan Kulaçoğlu, has indicated that her client will be referred to courthouse today (May 18).
"Taylan Kulaçoğlu was supposed to be released after the deposition procedures were completed. However, whatever happened (!), the prosecutor suddenly changed his mind and I learnt that he would be referred to courthouse tomorrow," Kara said in her Twitter post yesterday.
Movement targeted by pro-government media
Journalist Hakan Gülseven and Taylan Kulaçoğlu were debating the current issues in a YouTube program. Kulaçoğlu has been targeted by several mainstream media outlets due to his "Movement of the Nameless." Some of these targeting remarks were as follows:
"In addition to its activities to set a TT list and targeting social media accounts that do not fit its opinions, the Movement of the Nameless was also posting provoking tweets to create chaos in Turkey and manipulation.
"The person named Taylan Kulaçoğlu, who is said to support the DHKP-C terrorist organization and propagandize for a terrorist organization on social media, was leading a Twitter account called "Movement of the Nameless". (TP/SD)