Journalist Fined for Second Time for Insulting the President Erdoğan

BirGün Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Barış İnce was fined 7 thousand 500 Turkish liras for allegedly insulting the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan by making news related to December 17-25 bribery and corruption operation.
Plaintiff was the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The defamation case was tried by İstanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.
Journalist Barış İnce was absolved from cases presented by the President Erdoğan’s children Sümeyye Erdoğan, Bilal Erdoğan, Esra Erdoğan Albayrak and Erdoğan’s son-in-law Berat Albayrak.
Journalist İnce was fined 10 thousand Turkish liras before for allegedly insulting Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his son Bilal Erdoğan due to İnce’s newspaper’s coverage on TÜRGEV Foundation - an entity with the president’ son Bilal Erdoğan in the administration. Journalist Barış İnce’s “case acrostic” still goes on. (EA/BD)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish
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