Journalist and Colonel Treated Differently by Law

Colonel Dursun Çiçek, who was arrested for "membership in an illegal organisation" in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, was released 18 hours later, after his lawyers objected to his detention.
This treatment contrasts greatly with how journalists Aylin Duroğlu and Mehmet Yeşiltepe, dancer Ceren Sütlaş, cinematist Meral Seven and others have been treated.
They were arrested following an operation against Orhan Yılmazkaya, a member of the Revolutionary Headquarters, who died in a shoot out with the police in Bostancı, Istanbul, in April.
A total of 14 people have been denied release, despite saying that they knew Yılmazkaya from university or, like the public, as a journalist and writer. They have been in prison for two months.
Their release has been rejected on the grounds that evidence is still being collected and that society has been "shaken and outraged" by the event.
Duruoğlu, editor of Vatan newspaper's website, was arrested on 30 April for "having met with Yılmazkaya".
On the other hand, nine colonels, including Çiçek, who were questioed in an investigation related to the clandesting ultranationalist Ergenekon organisation, were not arrested after making a statement. Four of them have been told they cannot leave the country.
Who is Aylin Duruoğlu?
After graduating from Istanbul University's political sciences faculty, she worked at the Yeni Asır newspaper in Izmir. Shen then also worked for the Yeni Yüzyıl, Start, Yeni Binyıl and Sabah newspapers in Istanbul. In 2002, she began working for the Vatan newspaper, as editor and weekend supplement editor. She has been the website editor for the last three years.
Who is Dursun Çiçek?
It has been said that he worked together with former special forces member Levent Göktaş and Kayseri Gendarmerie commander Cemal Temizöz, both of whom have been arrested as part of the Ergenekon trial. In 2004, he was transferred to the Information Support Department in the General Staff Operational Department.
His name first appeared in the media when the Taraf newspaper published a document entitled "Lahika 1" in June 2008. The document, dated from 2006 and said to have emerged from the General Staff Operational Department, was entitled "Information Support Plan and Activities List". The document included accusations against respectable NGOs such as the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB), the Turkish Industrialists' and Businesspeople's Association (TÜSİAD), and the Turkish Foundation for Economic and Social Studies (TESEV). It was alleged that Çiçek prepared the plan.
In mid-June this year, the Taraf newspaper again published a document said to have emerged from the army and allegedly signed by Çiçek. The document, entitled "Action Plan against Reactionary Forces" contained plans to discredit the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the religious Gülen movement with illegal means. (EÖ/AG)
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