Journalist Ahmet Şık Back in Silivri After 5 Years

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Journalist Ahmet Şık has been sent to Silivri Prison where he was kept for 375 days as part of Oda TV trial. This time, he was sent to the prison on charge of “Propagandizing for Fethullahist Terror Organization/Parallel State Structure (FETÖ/PDY) and Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)”.
Attorney Can Atalay representing Ahmet Şık said that Ahmet Şık was kept in Metris Prison and transferred to Silivri Prison on January 2, Monday.
Şık was arrested five years ago due to his book about Fethullah Gülen Community’s infiltration into state institutions. Arrested on March 5, 2011, Şık was released on March 12, 2012.
Cumhuriyet daily reporter Ahmet Şık was arrested on December 29, 2016 this time on ground of his coverages and Twitter posts. (HK/TK)
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