‘Journalism in Turkey’ to be Discussed

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Amnesty International’s “Journalism in Turkey Panel” will be held on May 13, Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Gönen Hotel in Taksim, İstanbul.
The panel in which lawsuits brought against journalists and freedom of expression will be discussed is being organized with the support of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), I am Journalist, DİSK Press-Labor Union, Association of Progressive Journalists, Free Journalists’ Initiative, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Press Council and Article 19.
The first session’s title is “They are chasing new but are under threat” in the panel whose opening will be made by Ruhat S. Akşener from the Amnesty.
In this session, Ahmet Şık from Cumhuriyet daily newspaper, Tunca Öğreten from diken.com.tr news site, Gökçer Tahincioğlu from Milliyet daily newspaper, Timur Soykan from Posta daily newspaper and Sarah Clarke from PEN International will speak under the moderation of lawyer Hürrem Sönmez.
The second session has the title “Language of media and organization”. In this session, bianet Project Advisor Nadire Mater, Hakkı Boltan from Free Journalists’ Initiative, linguistic scientist and author Necmiye Alpay and Pakrat Estukyan from Agos weekly newspaper will take the floor under the moderation of journalist Uğur Güç. (AS/TK)