Joint Reaction Against Dismissal of 3 Mayors of HDP: Coup Against People’s Will

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The Ministry of Interior released a written statement earlier today (August 19) and announced that Diyarbakır Metropolitan Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı, Mardin Metropolitan Mayor Ahmet Türk and Van Metropolitan Mayor Bedia Özgökçe Ertan have been removed from office on the ground that there are ongoing investigations against them at heavy penal courts.
CLICK - Mayors of Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van Removed from Office
Diyarbakır Governor Hasan Basri Güzeloğlu, Mardin Governor Mustafa Yaman and Van Governor Mehmet Emin Bilmez have been appointed as Acting Metropolitan Mayors in these three provinces.
Several social media users, including the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) and Felicity Party (SP) MPs have denounced the dismissal of the mayor and the appointment of trustees in their place. Some of these messages are as follows:
HDP: We don't accept it
HDP İstanbul Organization: "The municipalities won with the free will of millions are being seized by the hand of trustees. We do not accept the seizure of our Metropolitan Municipalities of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin with the unlawfulness of trustees."
Milyonların hür iradesi ile kazanılan belediyeler, kayyım eliyle gasp ediliyor.#AmedMardinVanGaspEdildi
— HDP İstanbul (@HDPistanbul) August 19, 2019
CHP Vice Chair Adıgüzel: Democracy suspended
CHP Vice Chair Onursal Adıgüzel: "The Ministry of Interior's dismissal of Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van Metropolitan Mayors and appointment of governors in their place is a blow to people's will in the full sense of the term. This decision will damage the prestige of Turkey before the world and it means a suspension of democracy."
CHP MP Özel: AKP has opted for fascism again
CHP Group Deputy Chair and MP Özgür Özel: "The AKP rule, which is at the latest junction, has opted for not democracy, but fascism again. Removing the mayor preferred by a majority of the people from office means that the government opens its own existence to discussion. If someone who is elected with an election does not leave office with an election, then the power holders are coup plotting fascists!"
Son yol ayrımındaki AKP iktidarı yine demokrasiyi değil faşizmi seçti.
— Özgür Özel (@eczozgurozel) August 19, 2019
Büyük çoğunlukla halkın tercih ettiği belediye başkanlarını görevden almak iktidarın kendi varlığını tartışmaya açmasıdır.
Seçimle gelen artık seçimle gitmiyorsa iktidarı elinde tutan darbecidir faşisttir!
CHP MP Tanrıkulu: It is against the law
CHP MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu: "A coup is not only staged with tanks, cannons and rifles. Removing the elected mayors of Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van from office in the 4th month and appointing trustees in their place is against the law and it is a coup against the people's political preferences with election."
#Darbe sadece tankla, topla ve tüfekle yapılmaz.#Diyarbakır, #Mardin ve #Van Büyükşehir Belediyelerinin seçilmiş başkanlarının 4. ayda görevden alınarak yerlerine #kayyum atanması hukuka aykırı, halkın seçimle siyasal tercihlerine darbedir.
— Sezgin Tanrıkulu (@MSTanrikulu) August 19, 2019
Kemalbay: They are seizing people's will
HDP İzmir MP Serpil Kemalbay: "The ones who have seized the will of the people are coup plotters. Don't hush; otherwise, it will be your turn."
Halkın iradesini gasp edenler darbecidirler.
— Serpil Kemalbay (@SerpilKemalbay) August 19, 2019
Susma sustukça sıra sana gelecek. #AmedMardinVanGaspEdildi
SP MP Aktaş: It brings no benefit to country
SP MP Ali Aktaş: "The government has removed Metropolitan Mayors of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin from office and appointed governors as trustees. It is foolish to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome. These political decisions that mean the seizure of people's will do not bring any benefit to the country."
Hükumet, Diyarbakır, Van ve Mardin Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlarını görevden alıp yerlerine valileri kayyım olarak atadı. Aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar yaparak farklı sonuç beklemek ahmaklıktır. Halkın iradesini gasp etmek demek olan bu siyasi kararların ülkemize hiçbir yararı yok.
— Ali Aktaş (@aliaktas7) August 19, 2019
HDP MP Paylan: If we remain silent, Ankara and İstanbul's turn will come
HDP MP Garo Paylan: "They have again appointed trustees to municipalities of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin, which we took back with the overwhelming majority of the people four months ago. All political parties and society should react against this despicable coup against the will of the people. If we remain silent, the turn of Ankara and İstanbul will also come..."
Dört ay önce halkın ezici çoğunluğuyla geri aldığımız; Diyarbakır, Van, Mardin belediyelerine yine kayyım atadılar.
— Garo Paylan - Կարօ Փայլան (@GaroPaylan) August 19, 2019
Halkın iradesine yapılan bu alçakça darbeye karşı bütün siyasi partiler ve toplum tepki vermelidir.
Sustukça sıra Ankara’ya da, İstanbul’a da gelir...
Altıparmak: It means democracy, right?
Human rights defender lawyer Kerem Altıparmak: "The Minister of Interior who has been appointed without receiving a single vote has dismissed Diyarbakır Mayor, who received 63 percent of votes, and appointed Diyarbakır Governor in his place. And, it means democracy, is that right?"
Tek bir oy almadan atanan İçişleri Bakanı, %63 oy almış Diyarbakır Belediye Başkanını görevden alıp tek bir oy almamış Diyarbakır Valisini o göreve atıyor. Bunun adı da demokrasi oluyor öyle mi?
— Kerem ALTIPARMAK (@KeremALTIPARMAK) August 19, 2019
Kaftancıoğlu: It is against the law
CHP İstanbul Provincial Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu: "Someone said 'advanced democracy', right? Just another blow to the will of the people: The removal of Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van Metropolitan Mayors from office and appointment of trustees in their place is against the law and a coup against the political preferences of the people with election."
Birileri ileri demokrasi demişti değil mi?
— Canan Kaftancıoğlu (@ccanannnnnn) August 19, 2019
Halk iradesine bir darbe daha:#Diyarbakır, #Mardin ve #Van Büyükşehir Belediyelerinin seçilmiş başkanlarının görevden alınarak yerlerine #kayyum atanması hukuka aykırı, halkın seçimle siyasal tercihlerine darbedir.
Taş: You cannot occupy people's will
Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) Board of Chairs member Alper Taş: "On March 31, the people defeated the order of trustees despite all pressures. You cannot occupy the will of the people by removing Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin Mayors from office. The order of trustees is an order of theft, an order of pressure. The Palace should resign. The word, authority, decision and rule belong to the people!"
31 Mart’ta halk bütün baskılara rağmen #kayyum düzeninizi yendi.
— Alper Taş (@alper_tas) August 19, 2019
Diyarbakır, Van, Mardin Belediye Başkanlarını görevden alarak #kayyum düzeninizle halkın iradesini teslim alamazsınız.#kayyum düzeni soygun düzeni, baskı düzenidir.
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