‘JINHA News Point’ Campaign by Women Organizations

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Women organizations have launched a campaign to act in solidarity with JINHA, the first and only women news agency in Turkey, so that it can sustain its publication life after it was closed by a Statutory Decree.
With the motto "JINHA Will Not Remain Silent", women organizations will open their doors to JINHA reporters as part of the campaign. JINHA reporters will prepare their reports and women will serve as correspondent for JINHA at JINHA News Point, which will be formed at venues of women organizations.
The reports will be released on agency's Facebook page and the @jinhadayanisma (jinhasolidarity) account after the hacking of agency's Twitter account yesterday (November 1).
From Filmmor, Melek Özman about the campaign said:
"JINHA doesn't have a place, now we are all walking together. We are in solidarity at any time. A JINHA desk will operate each day in one of ours offices. At first stage, a schedule was set until November 11 but it will continue afterwards as well.
"As Filmmor, we will use our cameras and tools with JINHA".
JINHA News Point schedule is as follows:
3 Kasım: Yeryüzü Kafe (Earth Cafe)
4 Kasım: Sosyalist Kadın Meclisi (Socialist Women Assembly)
5 Kasım: İstanbul LGBTİ
6 Kasım: Devrimci Partili Kadınlar (Revolutionary Party Member Women)
7 Kasım: Filmmor
8 Kasım: Eğitim Sen 3 Nolu Şube (Education Union Branc No.3)
9 Kasım: HDP Kadın (HDP -Peoples' Democratic Party- Women)
10 Kasım: Mezopotamya Kültür Merkezi (Mesopotamia Cultural Center)
11 Kasım: Özgürlükçü Hukukçular Derneği. (Libertarian Legists Association) (OÜ/ÇT/TK)