Jailed Journalists Report From CHP

Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputies Veli Ağbaba, Özgür Özel and Nurettin Demir fromPrison Watchdog and Investigation Commission completed their report entitled “Jailed Journalists Report, World’s Biggest Journalist Prison: Turkey”.
To be released in two weeks, the report underlined the fact that the current number of jailed journalists in Turkey (71) has indeed exceed the number of jailed journalists (31) in 1980 - after the military coup on September 12.
"23 patient journalist inmates"
The report, which was put together following an extensive series of prison visits, cites that two thirds of 71 jailed journalists were charged to be in connection with PKK and KCK organizations, and the rest were accused of being a member of illegal organizations including DHKP-C, MLKP, Ergenekon, Direniş Hareketi, Devrimci Karargah and İBDA/C.
It also addresses PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s remarks on certain jailed journalists, explaining in details the reasons of their imprisonment.
It also sheds light on the situation of 23 jailed journalist who are suffering from major illnesses during their imprisonment and included recommendations on the ameliorations including amendments on Turkish Penal Code and Anti-Terror Act.
“Jailed Journalists Report, World’s Biggest Journalist Prison: Turkey” will open with the foreword of Journalists Union of Turkey Chairperson Ercan İpekçi and letters from currently jailed journalists.
A ceremony will held to promote the report, Turkey’s prominent formerly prosecuted and jailed journalists Ahmet Şık, Zeynep Kuray, Müyesser Yıldız, Nedim Şener, Zeynep Kuriş and Soner Yalçın will be be among the invitees.
The report is also expected to be translated into English and sent out to international organizations, institutions, politicians and media representatives including EU, European Parliament and other rights organizations. (EA/BM)