İzmir Pride Parade results in violence, detentions

Photo: Kaos GL / Twitter
A group in the coastal city of İzmir defied the ban imposed by the local governorate on the 11th Pride Week activities and gathered yesterday (June 25) in the central Alsancak quarter to hold a march.
Regional authorities had previously announced the prohibition of all Pride Week events, including marches, press statements, protests, and festivals, in order 'to protect public morality'.
Before the commencement of the parade at 6:00 PM, the police had cordoned off parts of Alsancak and started detaining and beating people before the parade began, while furthermore blocking the admission of lawyers and preventing journalists from taking pictures, according to LGBTI+ rights organization Kaos GL.
'We do not accept this ban'
The activists, however, managed to read out a statement emphasizing that the ban imposed was unconstitutional.
''We have gathered to exercise our constitutional right in the face of the systematic discrimination that particularly affects trans women, Kurds, Arabs, refugees, and other minority groups within LGBTIQ+. Our activities and marches were banned by the İzmir Governor's Office at the end of the working hours on Friday, June 23, with the excuse that 'there has been opposition against the events desired to be carried out by certain individuals and groups holding radical view, as these types of activities, which involve attitudes and behaviors contrary to public morality, can incite a response from society.' We do not accept this ban as it is against Article 34 of the Constitution, the constitutional right of us, lubunya [queers]'', they said.
Reportedly at least 50 individuals have been detained, with some of them chanting slogans such as "Block killers, not queers," "We existed, we exist, we will exist," and "Don't be silent, shout queers exist," while being taken into custody.
Polis, gözaltı aracında alkış yaptığı için iki kişiyi kelepçeledi. Tüm saldırılarına rağmen hala neşeli olmamızı kabul edemiyorlar. pic.twitter.com/fhCSvm23bF
— Genç LGBTİ+ Derneği (@genclgbti) June 25, 2023