İYİ Party Chair Akşener’s press advisor detained

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İYİ Party Chair Meral Akşener's press advisor and Yeniçağ newspaper columnist Murat İde has been detained over his article from five years ago.
İde has been taken into custody in Turkey's Black Sea province of Giresun, where he went to attend the event of the İYİ Party.
Detained while he was in his hotel room, İde has tweeted that a lawsuit was filed against him in 2018 over an article that he penned.
Indicating that his whereabouts is known and he is before the eyes of the public in television channels and newspapers, İde has protested his detention, saying, "Detention in the hotel in Giresun, where I have come for the program of the Chair. It is indeed a shame."
İde has said on his Twitter account, "An article in 2015... A lawsuit filed in 2018... And detention in the hotel in Giresun, where I have come for the program of the Chair... Whereabouts is obvious, you are before the public eye on the screen and newspapers, but you are still wanted... So be it! Police is ours, so is the prosecutor :) But it is indeed a shame."
2015'teki bir yazı.
— Murat ide (@Murat_ide) October 7, 2020
2018'de açılmış dava.
Ve Genel Başkan'ın programı için geldiğim Giresun'da, otelden GÖZALTI.
Yer belli, yurt belli, ekrandan-gazeteden göz önündesiniz, ama ARANIYORSUNUZ..
Olsun !
Polis de bizim, savcı da:)
Ama hakikaten ayıp oluyor.
According to the Article 26 of Turkey's Press Law, "It is essential that cases of crimes entailing the use of printed matter or other crimes mentioned in this law should be opened within a period of two months for daily periodicals and six months for other printed matter." The law stipulates that no action shall be taken after this period.
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