İYİ Party Chair Akşener: Economy Does Not Get Better With Powerpoint Presentations

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The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) has opened for the first time after the March 31 local elections, with the chairpersons of the political parties spoke at their parliamentary groups.
İYİ (Good) Party Chair Meral Akşener said in her speech that the New Economic Program that Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat albayrak announced is not a reform program, but a regulation to "save the sunk credits of the partisan businesspeople."
Akşener also impersonated Minister Albayrak and called him "the son-in-law," as he is President and Justice and Development Party (AKLP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's son-in-law.
Here are the highlights from Akşener's speech:
"To Pay your partisans' sunk credits, you transfer 28 billion liras worth of bills of exchange to the banks and try to cheat the people into thinking that this is a reform.
"If there is a need for resources, use the money you transfer to the bridges, the highways, the hospitals, the airports in the name of 'guaranteed payment.'
"In one year, you gave 3.2 billion liras of the nation's money to the two bridges.
"Contractors benefit themselves, citizens take burden"
"End this system where the five contractors benefit themselves, while the citizens take the burden. I remind the son-in-law, you know, he does this (raising her hand) and says, 'Look, this is very important now.'
"Pretty important... The economy gets better not with Powerpoint presentations, but with investment and production. Look, this is important... (People are applauding her) First condition to the economy to get better is to ensure a secure environment.
"Even if you announce new program everyday, it won't be a solution where the law and the democracy are non-existent.
"The way to make the economy get better is not to prepare made-up packages, but to package (fire) the son-in-law.
"I claim that an overwhelming majority of our nation and of AKP expects this from Mr. Erdoğan.
"Don't announce packages, package the son-in-law." (PT/VK)