'It was soldiers who stated that Turgut, Şiban were dropped from a military helicopter'

Osman Şiban
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"Interviews with witnesses in Van city center reveal that the allegations about Servet Turgut and Osman Şiban originated from the soldiers."
Independent MP Ahmet Şık held a press briefing today (November 2) at the parliament about the allegation that Turgut and Şiban, who were tortured in the mostly Kurdish-populated eastern province of Van, were dropped from a helicopter.
Turgut and Şiban were detained by soldiers in Van's Çatak district during an operation. Two days later, they were found in the intensive care unit of Van Regional Training and Research Hospital. While Şiban has recovered, Turgut lost his life after 20 days of treatment.
MP Şık and his advisor Yılmaz Ruhi Demir released a report after carrying out examinations in Sürik (Yoğurtlu) hamlet, where the two people were detained, and interviewing witnesses and attorneys. The Governor of Van, Provincial Regiment Commander of Gendarmerie, Van Chief Public Prosecutor and the prosecutor who is investigating the incident refused Şık's request for an interview.
"The torture of the citizens are overshadowed"
The allegation that the two people were dropped from a helicopter originated from soldiers, according to the report:
"It is apparent that the allegations concerning the 'throwing off of the citizens from the helicopter,' which shaped public discussion and were taken up by the opposition, rights activists, and the media, have originated from the perpetrators who have tried to hide the real story by inventing an 'official lie.'
"The gendarmeries' claim that 'they have jumped off the helicopter,' has gone into medical registers as 'falling off from a distance,' and therefore 'falling off from the helicopter.'
Marks on the map show the operation area and where Şiban and Turgut were detained.
"This crime committed by the soldiers, and the tortures and lynching which resulted in the death of one citizen and serious injuries sustained by the other, was tried to be covered by the claim that 'they have jumped off the helicopter,' and therefore it is established by the families, and by Turkey's public discussion that following tortures and beatings, these citizens were 'thrown off from the helicopter.'
"So, the lie of the perpetrators has turned into the truth of the defendants, and the mass beating, torture, and lynching of these citizens, which form the basis of the whole event, are overshadowed.
"It is clear from Osman Şiban's statement that 'falling off, or being thrown off' the helicopter is just one detail of an entire night of tortures and lynching, and it is these heavy tortures and lynching which killed one citizen and seriously injured the other."
Şiban: I told my kids, 'Don't be afraid'Osman Şiban told Ahmet Şık the following: "I was in front of my own home, together with the kids, having tea. I don't fully remember but I think it was around 4-5 in the afternoon. I saw that they were bringing Servet Turgut. Two soldiers were in his two arms, and another soldier was pointing his gun at Servet's back. They had put something like a sack on Servet's head. Speaking to myself, I said: 'These are very dangerous soldiers. Why have they done this?'. I was afraid they were coming at me. At a distance of about 100-150 meters, they started yelling: 'Who is Osman Şiban?'. I was having tea outside. I dropped the glass upon hearing my name and seeing Servet like that. I raised my hand: 'I am Osman Şiban'. 'Come here', they said. I stood up when they came to me. They removed the sack from Servet's head. They asked 'Servet Turgut, is this "There were koçers (nomads) around the region where the clashes happened. "They were lycnhed by soldiers"The report described the incidetn as follows: On top of these, interviews with witnesses in Van city centre reveal that the Following the helicopter's landing in Van Gendarmerie Command Post, the villagers were thrown onto the concrete ground and the torture continued. Turgut and Şiban were lynched by many soldiers. The conditions of the villagers worsened due to the tortures, and on 11 September 2020, at around 19.00, they were taken by civilian looking gendarmeries in separate cars to the two different branches of Private Lokman Hekim Hospital in Van. Turgut, whose condition was worse, was taken to the Lokman Hekim Van Hospital on Zübeyde Hanım Avenue in Cumhuriyet Neighbourhood, which had better facilities, and Şiban, who was relatively in better condition, was taken to Lokman Hekim Life Hospital on Milli Egemenlik Avenue in Serhat Neighbourhood. According to the witnesses, emergency doctors carried out an immediate medical treatment on Şiban, who sustained heavy bruises to his face and body; however, they suspected of cerebral bleeding and transferred Şiban to Van Training and Research Hospital, which had better facilities. The witnesses recounted that the civilian looking gendarmeries who brought Şiban to the hospital addressed the hospital staff and other people and said: "These are terrorists. We caught them during a clash, but they tried to escape by jumping off the helicopter". Following on from these statements, we can say that the allegations about "falling of, or being thrown off" originated from the perpetrators. The soldiers thought that a true statement about the tortures and lynching which resulted in heavy injuries could not be made. Their words which were spoken to the hospital staff and other people around, were heard by the families which found their relatives in intensive care units, and the relatives then passed these words on to lawyers, journalists, and HDP Deputy Murat Sarısaç. |
The arrest of journalists
The report also mentioned the arrest of four journalists for reporting the incident:
"It was Mezapotamya Ajansı (MA) [Mesopotamia Agency] which revealed to the public the details of Şiban and Turgut's detention and their following resurfacing in coma in a hospital. MA's reporter Cemil UĞUR, wrote many news pieces about the events starting from 13 September 2020, and News Director Adnan BİLEN serviced these pieces. Şehriban İBA, who is a reporter for Jin News, is another journalist who worked on the same case. The determined pursuit of these three journalists kept the torture allegations in public discussion, and they ensured that political parties and representatives from rights organisations would react to the events.
"On 6 October 2020, Cemil Uğur, Adnan Bilen and Şehriban İba along with the former MA editor Nazan Sala who was also working for Van Municipality, and former MA distributors Fehim Çetiner and Şükran Erdem were taken into custody on the grounds of investigations from 6 months ago." (AS/VK)
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