“It’s Been 20 Years, Our Wounds Still Open”

On the 20th anniversary of Sivas Massacre - the killing of dozens of Alevi intellectuals in Madımak Hotel arson incident in 1993 - thousands gathered in downdown Sivas province to commemorate those who lost their lives.
At 11 am local time, hundreds of people gathered in Ethembey Park and started their walk. While the police blocked their way in Mevlana Street, a series of negotiations alleviated tensions and reopened the blocked street.
Families of slain intellectuals who were holding photographs of their beloved ones stood before the marching thousands.
Demonstrators also chanted slogans condemning the killing of Ethem Sarısülük - a Gezi Park protestors who died as a result of police fire. They also reiterated their demands to transform the building of Madımak Hotel into a museum of shame.
Among the notable attendees of the demonstration included Nihat Matkap (CHP Deputy Chairperson), Şafak Pavey (CHP Deputy Chairperson and Istanbul deputy), Sivas province deputy Malik Ecder Özdemir, Tunceli province deputy Kamer Genç, Erzurum province deputy Muharrem Işık, Istanbul province deputy Üstün Sarı, Peace and Democracy Party Mersin province deputy Ertuğrul Kürkçü and Van province deputy Aysel Tuğluk.
Marching around an hour through downtown and Atatürk Avenue, the crowd arrived before the building of Madımak Hotel - currently used as Science and Culture Center.
Following a moment of silence, demonstrators read aloud each names of slain intellectuals.
A police barricade blocked between the former hotel building and protestors, only allowing family members and deputies to pass through.
Speaking on behalf of family members, Hacer Gültekin (spouse of poet Hasret Gültekin) reiterated their determination to not enter the building until it is transformed into a museum.
“It must be museum of shame”
Addressing to the crowd, Pir Sultan Abdal Culture Center Chairperson Kemal Bülbül said their wounds are still open even though the massacre took place exactly 20 years ago.
The Madımak Hotel building must become a museum of shame, he said. “There is no Alevi opening without Madımak.”
Alevi Bektaşi Federation President Selahattin Özel also urged authorities to turn the hotel building into a museum of shame.
“They turned here into a science and culture center. They named Istanbul’s third bosporus bridge Yavuz Sultan Selim. You should name this center after him too!” he protested.
Advocate Şenal Sarıhan joined protests on government’s attitude not to turn the building into a museum of shame and urged them to hear family member’s demands. (AS/BM)
* Photo credit: Muzaffer Akyüz / AA