Istanbul Resistance to IMF and World Bank Begins

In the evening of 5 August, people who had followed the invitation of the Direnistanbul platform gathered in Taksim Square to protest against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
On 6 and 7 October, the two institutions will convene in Istanbul for their annual meeting. The Direnistanbul organisation has declared the week of 1-8 October a week of protests.
At yesterday's gathering, around 100 people told the IMF and Worldbank, "Don't Come!"
They asked others who oppose the institutions to join their protests.
The Bandista group supported the demonstration with music.
The demonstrators marched from Taksim Square to Galatasaray Highschool, shouting slogans such as "Capitalism kills in war and peace" and "Millions are hungry, occupied, long live global uprising".
The Direnistanbul website can be accessed here. (BÇ/AG)