Istanbul Protest Events against IMF and World Bank

At 7.30 pm on Wednesday, 5 August, people opposed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank will meet at the Taksim tramway stop in central Istanbul to launch a series of protest events under the title "Direnistanbul", a word that can either mean "Resist, Istanbul" or represent a merging of the words "resistance" and "Istanbul".
The gathering will be the first event, followed by a concert by the Bandista group in protest of the IMF and World Bank on 6 August. The concert will be at the Haymatlos venue in İstiklal Street at 9 pm.
The initiative Direnistanbul has designated the week between 1 and 8 October as days of resistance, organising protests, panels, film screenings, exhibitions, workshops and concerts. (BÇ/AG)
Click here for the English website of the organisation.