İstanbul Pride Week banned

İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week events, which were planned to be held for the 30th time this year, were banned.
Police officers from the İstanbul Police Department went to the venues where the Pride Week events were to take place. Although the police called visits routine, they tried to get information about the activities to be held.
The police went to the venues again, this time with a ban decision from Beyoğlu District Governor's Office. Kadıköy District Governorate published the ban decision on its website.
"We have obtained information that between 21.06.2022 (Tuesday) and 23.06.2022 (Thursday) gatherings, press releases, marches, distribution of leaflets, etc. are planned to be held within the scope of 30th "İstanbul LGBTI+Pride Week".
"All events are banned in all open and closed areas for 7 (seven) days from 00.01 on 21.06.2022 to 23.59 on 27.06.2022," the statement said citing the Law on Demonstrations and Public Meetings (Law 2911).
Calling for lynching by religious groups
Meanwhile, no ban came for the lynching call of the group, Müdafaa-i İslam Hareketi (Defense of Islam Movement) that previously targeted LGBTI+s in Çanakkale, Antep, and İstanbul University and the İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride March, KAOS GL reported.
CLICK - LGBTI+ Pride picnic canceled after being targeted
The anti-LGBTI+ group made a call to gather in Taksim at 14.53 on Sunday, June 26, the day of the Pride Parade.
"We won't allow perversion" stated the group in its message accompanied by numerous death threats against LGBTI+s.
Aileni, Neslini ve Şehrini Koru
— Müdafaa-i İslam Hareketi (@mislamhareketi_) June 20, 2022
Sapkınlığa DUR de !..
Basın Açıklaması ve Sapkınları
Beklemeye Davet !..
???? Tarih: 26 Haziran/Pazar
⏰ Saat: 14:53
???? Adres: Taksim Camii - İstanbul
"We won't give up, we are not afraid"
The İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee issued a statement on social media after the ban decision. The committee stated that the decision was unlawful and said:
"Today, with the start of İstanbul 30th LGBTI+ Pride Week, police inspected the venues where the events would take place, under the guise of "general control".
"The law enforcement officers tried to put pressure on the venues by asking for documents such as tax plates and signboards to the venues where the event would take place. Despite all the pressure, we met at our event venues today."
"However, when the state and law enforcement forces realized that the week's activities could not be prevented under the pretext of control, the Beyoğlu and Kadıköy District Governorate banned our activities for 1 week."
"This decision is illegal and we would like to inform you that we will use all our rights and make the necessary objections. We would like to thank our entire network of lawyers and venues that have supported us. We won't give up, we are not afraid! We will continue our events in safe places and online."
Bugün İstanbul 30. LGBTİ+ Onur Haftasının başlamasıyla beraber güvenlik şubeye bağlı polisler etkinliklerin gerçekleşeceği mekanlara "genel kontrol" adı altında denetim yapmaya çalışmıştır.
— İstanbul LGBTİ+ Onur Haftası (@istanbulpride) June 20, 2022
CLICK - Turkey again second-worst country for LGBTI+s in Europe