İstanbul Municipality’s Science Board recommends full lockdown

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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The İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İMM) Scientific Advisory Board convened to discuss the sharp increase in COVID-19 deaths.
Underlining that the number of cases in İstanbul is among the highest numbers recorded across the globe throughout the pandemic, the Board has announced that the number of deaths in the city has increased by 3,424 people when compared to the average number in the last five years.
The Advisory Board has recommended a 4-week full lockdown. If that cannot be managed, the Board has added, then, a lockdown must be introduced until the end of the Eid al-Fitr (May 15). "Otherwise, it is impossible to get over the chaos and prevent new deaths," it has warned.
According to the data shared by the Board, the number of cases per 100 thousand people was 60 in İstanbul in mid-February, it has increased by 15.3 times in the last two months and hit 920 in April 10-15.
Underlining that this number is among the highest figures witnessed during the pandemic so far, the İMM Scientific Advisory Board has noted that "40 percent of all COVID-19 cases in Turkey is in İstanbul."
The Board has also shared the number of deaths in the city after March 1, 2021, when "gradual normalization" measures were adopted on a provisional basis. "After March 1, 3,424 additional deaths occurred in İstanbul," the Scientific Advisory Board has informed the public.
"As of April 19, 71.4 percent of intensive care unit beds are full in İstanbul," the statement of the Board has noted further.
Raising concerns over the losses of life among healthcare workers as well as their difficult work conditions and burnout, the Board has stressed that their workload must be planned to enable them to get rest.
The Scientific Advisory Board of the İMM has moved on to list its recommendations within this context. The first recommendation is to halt all activities, except for the sectors meeting vital needs, for at least 14 days and, if possible, for 4 weeks. The Board has also recommended that intercity travel must be fully restricted in a controlled manner.
Reminding the public that 75 percent of the population aged 65 and over have been vaccinated, the Board has recommended that the elders who have received both doses of the vaccine should be excluded from the measures if it has been more than 14 days since the second jab.
Raising concerns that food and beverage venues are still open in all accomodation facilities, it has said that it increases the risk of contagion.
The Scientific Advisory Board has also called on the authorities to transparently announce the number of cases, their distribution by occupation, sex and age, the rates of mutant viruses and the occupancy rates of COVID-19 beds at hospitals in İstanbul's districts.
Underlining that 'COVID-19 free' hospitals must be determined for the people suffering from other diseases, the Board has also noted that private hospitals should not get additional money from COVID-19 patients.
The Board has also emphasized the importance of widespread vaccination as well as distributing masks to everyone who cannot afford them.
Noting that local administrations, occupational chambers, unions and civil society organizations should also be included in the process of planning and implementing the measures, the Board has said that the citizens who have tested positive for COVID-19, but whose conditions at home are not suitable for self-isolation should be provided with free accommodation as well as additional psychosocial support. (RT/SD)