Istanbul Meeting for A World With no Wars
Peace activists from France, Israel, England and the United States of America (USA) will attend the meeting to be held on Saturday, January 24 at the Dolapdere campus of Istanbul's Bilgi University.
"The Middle East Policies of USA"
Erol Kizilelma will facilitate the morning session titled, "End Occupation in Iraq: The Middle East Policies of USA."
Writer Gilbert Achcar, a peace activist and academic from the Paris VII University; journalist-writer Uri Avnery, an Israeli peace activist and former lawmaker; Hasan Bulent Kahraman, director of the Social Democracy Foundation; Mehmet Bekaroglu, deputy head of the Felicity Party (SP) and Ayse Altinay, an academic from Turkey's Sabanci University will attend the meeting as speakers.
The session will be held between 10:00 a.m. and 01:00 p.m.
"How will we win peace?"
The afternoon session will be on "Global Peace, Global Justice: How will we Win Peace in 2004?" and will be held between 2:00 p.m. and 05:00 p.m. Yildiz Onen will facilitate the session.
Journalist-writer Kevin Ovenden, an activist of the British "Stop the War Coalition"; Michael McPhearson, an activist of the American "Military Families Speak Out"; journalist Ragip Duran; artist Zeynep Tanbay; Hakan Tahmaz from the Coalition for Global Peace and Justice and Ahmet Mercan, the Istanbul head of the Solidarity Association for Human Rights and the Oppressed (MAZLUMDER) will attend the afternoon session as speakers. (EA/NM)
* For detailed information on the meeting and speakers please visit: The Coalition for Global Peace and Justice
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