‘İstanbul is a Stage’: Metropolitan Municipality supports musicians amid pandemic

* Photo: Pixabay
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İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu has announced that they, as the municipality, have launched the project "İstanbul is a Stage" to support musicians having financial hardships amid the pandemic.
In introducing the project, the municipality has said, "The city is turning into a huge open-air concert stage; the İstanbulites and musicians are reuniting..." Accordingly, over 100 sites in all 39 districts of İstanbul will be turned into open-air concert stages as part of the project.
The musicians who want to perform as part of the project can make an application till April 9. After the application process is completed, the details of the events and the concert schedule will be announced.
'We foster solidarity with our artists'
Mayor İmamoğlu has announced the project by posting a video on his Twitter account. İmamoğlu has briefly said:
"We both want that artists practice their profession and bring an optimistic and positive mood to the city. The stages have been quiet for some time due to the virus, which we all know; but it is now time to put an end to this quiet and brighten up the city with notes.
"The municipality will take all health measures before and during the events. İstanbulites will enjoy free concerts in safety despite the pandemic."
İstanbul'u dev bir açık hava sahnesine dönüştürüyor, pandemi dolayısıyla ekonomik zorluk yaşayan sanatçılarımızla dayanışmayı güçlendiriyoruz.
— Ekrem İmamoğlu (@ekrem_imamoglu) March 28, 2021
39 ilçede 100'den fazla noktada #İstanbulBirSahne etkinlikleri başlıyor.
Başvuru için; https://t.co/MxFxAQkjz6 pic.twitter.com/ZvmgxShqo7
The musicians who want to perform as part of the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality's project can apply here.