İstanbul Bar slams investigation into YouTuber over ‘Sharia’ controversy

The president of the İstanbul Bar Association, has voiced objections to the investigation initiated against YouTuber Diamond Tema for his comments related to the Prophet Muhammad.
In a social media post, Filiz Saraç highlighted that everyone has the right to express and disseminate their thoughts and opinions.
Following a June 14 debate on YouTube with another social media personality who advocated for Sharia law, which garnered significant online attention, İstanbul prosecutors opened an investigation into Tema for ‘insulting religious values adopted by a section of the public’ and ‘inciting hatred and animosity among the public.’

YouTuber faces legal action over sharia law comments
The Presidency Communications Directorate and Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç swiftly intervened to announce an investigation into the YouTuber, issuing statements that aligned with the social media lynching against him and accusing him of “insulting our prophet.” Tema left the country in the face of the backlash and is now subject to an arrest warrant.
The bar president criticized the minister, saying, “It is unacceptable for the Minister of Justice, who has also served as a member of our Bar Association, to make such a post!”
Citing the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), Saraç said everyone has the right the freedom of expression, which “includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority.”
The minister should show the same sensitivity towards those who are involved in actions against the secularity of the republic, she added.
The controversy began after a YouTube program aired on the channel 'Yer6,’ where Diamond Tema releases videos about his videos on religion and philosophy, engaged in a debate with Asrın Tok, another social media personality, on Sharia law. While Tok defended Sharia, Diamond Tema argued against it.
Tema’s comments that "the only system in the world where a man can marry a 6-year-old girl is Sharia" were perceived as insulting and have led to backlash from pro-government and Islamist social media users.
Aslan Değirmenci, the Digital Media Coordinator of the Presidency's Communication Directorate, announced on Sunday evening that an investigation was launched against Diamond Tema. The authorities also requested an access ban for the video in question.
The video of the debate got over 3 million views in a week and has been widely discussed on social media: