‘ISIS qadi’ who ordered the burning of Turkey’s two soldiers arrested

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It turned out that Abu Abdullah Al-Shami code named Jamal Abdulrahman Alwi, the "ISIS qadi" (a magistrate or judge of a Sharia court) who gave the order of burning Turkey's two soldiers Sefter Taş and Fethi Şahin on December 22, 2016, was standing trial without being arrested.
As part of the investigation carried out into the incident by the Gaziantep Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, Jamal Abdulrahman Alwi was taken into custody on Friday (September 17) and arrested by the criminal judgeship of peace following the related procedures at the police station.
CLICK - ISIS Claims to Kidnap 2 Turkey's Soldiers
Alwi was detained on June 18, 2020 and a lawsuit was filed against him on charge of "leading an armed terrorist organization." The defendant was released on probation during the judicial proceedings.
In a recent article, İsmail Saymaz from Halk TV alleged that Amal Abdulrahman Alwi from Syria gave the order to execute the soldiers. 64-year-old Alwi, contrary to general belief, did not lose his life or disappeared. Alwi settled in Antep with his spouse, children, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. He also opened a birds' shop in the southeastern province.
Living in Antep for years, Alwi was coincidentally caught upon a tip-off on June 15, 2020. He was released on March 2, 2021 on the grounds that "the evidence had been collected and there was no risk of spoliation of evidence and the defendant had familial and personal excuses."
Judicial control measures of not leaving the household and the country were imposed on Alwi. Those measures were lifted on June 26. (RT/SD)