İSİG: 1,843 workers killed on the job in Türkiye in 2022

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At least 1,843 workers were killed on the job in Türkiye, according to the Health and Safety LAbor Watch (İSİG).
In December, at least 181 workers were killed on the job according to data compiled by the İSİG from the media and its own sources.
Since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2022, at least 30,546 workers have been killed.
Among the workers killed in 2022, only 5 percent (92) were unionized. Eighty-seven percent were wage workers and 13 percent were working on their own behalf.
1,735 of the killed workers were men and 108 were women.
In terms of age groups, 30-49 were the group with the highest number of work-related deaths with 756. 428 workers were killed in the 50-64 age group and 390 workers were killed in the 18-29 age group.
Ninety of the killed workers were refugees, including 39 workers from Syria and 20 from Afghanistan.
Among the killed workers, 374 were in the construction-road sector, 359 were in the forestry-agriculture sector, and 2020 were in the transportation sector.
The most common causes of death were traffic/shuttler accidents (422), crush-collapse (347), falling from a height (295) and heart attack-brain hemorrhage (201). (HA/VK)