"IPS Network" And "Press Now" Help The LGBTT Community Have More Media Visibility
The Local Gay-Lesbian Reporter Network Education, organized by the Kaos GL Periodical, has begun in Eskişehir, a city near Istanbul, today.
25 reporter candidates from 15 cities will participate in the activity, in which the IPS Communication Foundation and Press Now will hold a “Journalism Workshop.”
In the workshop that will last for two days, Associate Professor Esra Arslan of Istanbul Bilgi Universiy Communications Department, journalist-educator Nico Haasbroek of Holland and photographer-educator Yücel Tunca will talk to the local reporter candidates on “News Writing”, “Journalism and Ethic” and news photography, respectively. The workshop will take place on the second and third days of the activity.
Semra Çelebi from the IPS Communications Foundation and Baran Gündoğdu and Bawer Çakır from bianet will join the activity that will take place in the Albatros Hotel in Eskişehir.
In today’s session, Ali Erol, Umut Güner, Barış Sulu and Uğur Yüksel, all from Kaos GL, were to give presentations on concepts and the topic of the historical journey of homosexuality and discrimination and Çiğdem Şimşek was to hold a workshop on the subject of HIV/AIDS.
Talking to bianet about the subject, Kaos GL editor Yüksel said, “The representation of the Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals in the media is a problem area. To fix this, we are trying to form our own news center.” (BÇ/TB)