IPI condemns RTÜK fines on critical media outlets

The International Press Institute (IPI) has condemned the latest fines issued by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), Turkey's broadcast regulator, on several TV outlets over the news and comments critical of the government.
"These latest fines confirm that RTÜK has become a means to stifle media content critical not only of the government or president but also of any political allies, prosecutors, and governors", IPI Turkey Programme Coordinator Renan Akyavaş said.
"RTÜK's fines targeting certain broadcasters that continue to air critical coverage are part of a clear pattern to punish free media."
The RTÜK recently fined Halk TV, Habertürk, Tele 1, KRT and Fox TV for various reasons, including denigrating and insulting the police, politicians and the judiciary.
According to a December 2020 report by İlhan Taşçı, a member of RTÜK for the opposition political CHP, critical channels Halk TV, Tele 1, FOX TV, Habertürk and KRT were subject to a total of 46 administrative fines and eight broadcasting suspensions in 2020. In total, the channels were fined around 10 million Turkish lira (approximately 1.175 million euros)
The Council's members are appointed by the political parties in proportion to their number of seats in the Grand National Assembly. Currently, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has four RTÜK members while its coalition ally, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), has two.
The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) also has two seats, and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has one. This gives the AKP-MHP coalition a seven-to-three majority in RTÜK. (VK)