IPA Calls for Amendment to Penal Code
On 4 October 2004, the International Publishers' Association (IPA) sent a letter to the Dutch Presidency of the European Union (EU) and to the President of the EU Commission, Mr. Romano Prodi as well as incoming President José-Manuel Barroso, seeking their assistance in calling upon the Turkish Authorities to abandon the criminalization of expression of the Armenian Genocide, a measure jeopardizing freedom of expression and freedom to publish.
According to Article 306 of the new Turkish Penal Code adopted on 27 September 2004, a citizen who demands the withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from Cyprus or declares that the Armenian genocide actually took place during the First World War can be pursued by virtue of Article 306. Prison sentences range from "three to ten years".
Says Lars Grahn, President of the IPA Freedom to Publish Committee: "The criminalization of the expression of the Armenian Genocide amounts to an unjustified limitation of 'freedom of expression', a fundamental right which is guaranteed under numerous international instruments to which Turkey is a party".
Says Ana Maria Cabanellas, President of the IPA: "The many reform packages adopted in Turkey thus far are in part designed to improve Turkey's freedom of expression record by amending various provisions of Turkey's major legislation. IPA welcomes these changes. However, it is fundamental that these legislative measures are implemented effectively. This effort must now include amending Article 306 of the new Penal Code".(YE)
**For further information on Turkey's bid to join the European Union, see
IFEX alerts of 4 October, 23 July, 15 June 2004**