Investigation Launched Against Turkish Medical Association

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An investigation has been launched Medical Association (TTB), which released a declaration entitled “War is a Matter of Public Health” concerning the Operation Olive Branch launched by the Turkish Armed Forces into Afrin.
The investigation launched by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office involves 11 members of the TTB Central Council.
What happened?
On January 26, 2018, President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called TTB “terrorist lovers” at the Extended Provincial Chairs Meeting at the AKP Headquarters. The title of the declaration which Erdoğan denounced was “terrorist lovers”.
Erdoğan targeted the TTB in Çorum and Amasya as well yesterday (January 28). On his return from his inspection at the Repatriation Center in Antep, Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu told journalists that he would file a criminal complaint against the TTB.
Prof. Erez had spoken to bianet
Speaking to bianet, Chair of İstanbul Chamber of Medicine Prof. Dr. Selçuk Erez had said:
“We the doctors always prefer peace over war.
““Our sensitivity naturally increases when it comes to a war that will end the life our soldiers, in other words our children. However, our sensitivity applies to our neighbours as well. This cannot be interpreted as terrorist loving”.
Declaration of the TTB
We the doctors warn:
War is a human-made matter of public health causing harm in nature and human and threatening public life.
Every conflict, every war brings a huge humanitarian tragedy with it by causing irreparable physical, psychological, social and environmental damages.
As member of a profession that vows to make people live, we keep in mind that advocating life and looking out for the peace climate is our primary duty.
The only way to deal with war is to perpetuate a fair, democratic, equalitarian, independent and peaceful life.
No to war, peace right now! (EKN/TK)