Investigation Launched against Journalist Hasan Cemal

Public Prosecutor of İstanbul launched an investigation against Journalist Hasan Cemal.
Cemal had written a column on website T24 titled “Sultan in his palace is responsible for the bloodshed!”
It is the first investigation launched against journalist Cemal since 1971 Turkish coup d'état that was carried out on March 12.
Hasan Cemal’s column:
"I emphasize it one more time:
Sultan in his palace is the only responsible person for the bloodshed.
If blood and tears roll in again in Turkey, no wonder Tayyip Erdoğan is responsible for all of it; not anybody…
Since Erdoğan couldn’t accept being defeated on June 7 General Elections.
Since Erdoğan is digging hellholes in front of Turkey to pave the way for a new election.
In fact, Turkey didn’t have to live in this bloody chaos.
Turkey lives in this chaos due to Erdoğan’s persistence of re-election.
If a coalition had been formed on June 7, we wouldn’t have found ourselves in the middle of the blood bath.
If leaders of AKP (Justice and Development Party) and CHP (Republican People’s Party) had shouldered responsibility, Turkey wouldn’t have been dragged into the warfare and violence by anyone.
Turkey would have been normal.
There would have been relaxation for Turkey.
Compromise in a coalition government would have fed the political stability and the ceasefire would have proceeded.
Resolution process wouldn’t have been distorted.
Positive steps in the field of foreign policy and the economy would have been taken.
Turkey would have recovered her morale.
Nothing happened. “
Who is Hasan Cemal?
Hasan Cemal graduated from Ankara University with a Political Science Degree. He started journalism with Magazine Devrim and continued to work at Magazine Yeni Ortam, Anka Agency and newspapers like Günaydın, Cumhuriyet and Milliyet.
In 2013, Milliyet refused to publish his column criticizing former Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; Cemal resigned.
He was Editor-in-Chief of Cumhuriyet Daily between 1981 and 1992. Cemal writes columns at website T24. He is the Founding President of P24 - Platform for Independent Journalism and he published 12 books. (EA/BD)
Click here to read the article in Turkish
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