Investigation into Pehlivan Over His Report on Prosecutor Looking into Cumhuriyet Case

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An investigation has been started into OdaTV Executive Editor Barış Pehlivan for his article entitled "The prosecutor launching FETÖ (Fethullahist Terror Organization) operation into Cumhuriyet is being tried over FETÖ membership".
Pehlivan is being charged with "pointing the people who served in fight against terror as a target".
Pehlivan will testify to İstanbul Public Prosecutor Umut Tepe, according to a report by OdaTV.
In his article yesterday (November 2), Pehlivan stated that Prosecutor Murat İnam is on the list covering 54 suspects in the case in which FETÖ is being charged with plotting in Selam Tevhid investigation.
Based on the 3,153-page indictment prepared by Bakırköy Deputy Chief Public Prosecution Ömer Faruk Aydıner, Pehlivan listed the charges pressed against the 54 suspects as follows:
- Being a member of an armed terror organization (FETÖ/PDY armed terror organization)
- Political and military espionage
- Making confidential information public and committing this crime
- Attempting to annihilate the Republic of Turkey by force or violence
- Making up crime
- Violating privacy of private life
- Recording unlawfully obtained data
- Destroying, hiding or changing crime evidence
- Malpractice
- Forgery in official document (EKN/TK)
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