International Poetry Festival: ‘As This World Grinds to a Halt, Poetry Goes On’

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1st Offline International Poetry Festival, hosted by Offline İstanbul Magazine which started its publishing life in the last March, will begin on March 25 with the title “As this world grinds to a halt, poetry goes on”.
The event that will host poetry, music, fairy tale, dance and DJ performances will take start in Beyoğlu DAM venue in İstanbul at 8 p.m.
The figures that will participate in the festival are:
Achim Wagner (Germany), Adam Westman (Sweden), Anat Zecharia (İsrael), Anna Axfors (Sweden), Anna Hallberg (Sweden), Deniz Durukan, Gülce Başer, Jörgen Gassilewski (Sweden), Kaan Koç, Liudmila Mindova (Bulgaria), Mehmet Altun, Milan Dobricic (Serbia), Pelin Özer, Şeref Bilsel, Tunca Çaylant, Yaprak Öz.
Mert Kamiller’s Bad Poetry performance, Nazlı Çelik’s fairy tale, Yıldız Güventürk’s dancing, and Selahattin Yolagiden’s DJ performances will be delivered in the poetry festival. Teneke Trampet band will take stage. (CK/EKN/TK)