International Call to Government: Freedom to Journalists, Writers

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303 figures among whom are there globally known people have protested arrest of Ahmet Altan and Mehmet Altan, and that demanded freedom for journalists and writers in Turkey’s prisons.
The 303 figures including Jürgen Baurmann, Judith Butler, Margaret Atwood and Costa Gavras started the petition on
The petition called on Turkey’s government to stop crackdowns on thinkers and writers.
Call to international public
The text briefly said:
“We having signatures below are asking all democrats of the world, anyone interested in Turkey and future of the Middle East in which Turkey plays an important role to stand against Turkey’s government’s policies of oppression and pressure on Turkey’s brightest thinkers and writers.
“Government’s declaring State of Emergency in the wake of July 15 coup attempt is understandable, however, the failed coup attempt must not be used as an excuse to launch a McCarthy style witch-hunt and the incidents during the State of Emergency must not disregard basic rights, legal rules concerning evidence and even commonsensical rules”.
Touching upon the arrest of Ahmet Altan and Mehmet Altan, the petition claimed that they were arrested for criticizing the government. (EA/TK)
This publication has been produced within the partnership with Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso for the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), co-funded by the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IPS Communication Foundation and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.