Interior Ministry Admits Police Use of Bats

Interior Minister Muammer Güler sent a guidelines to governor officers, warning police officers specifically on 3 issues:
Those issues were as follows:
* Don’t throw gas bombs to groups closer than 40 meters
* Don’t disperse protestors with material like bats and other unregulated material.
* Don’t let counteracting individuals to attack protestors with material like bats and machetes.
Interior Minister Muammer Güler reminded in his guidelines that a series of unregulated acts and attitudes have been observed among civil police officers during the latest public events. He warned civil police officers to wear a police vest and use intervention materials only regulated by official police guidelines.
“Intervene to machete-holders”
Reminding that certain reactive individuals and groups attacked [Gezi Park] protestors with materials like bats and machetes, Güler ordered police to intervene them immediately and handle them to other law enforcement authorities for further prosecution.
He also ordered police officers to use gas grenades and peppers sprays towards protestors in 40 meters radius and use rifle-operated gas bomb canisters only in radius exceeding 40 meters.
Furthermore, Güler made warnings on police forces to not directly throw gas bombs at protestors and record intervention scenes with a camera. (AS/BM)