Inspector Report in Torun Center Workplace Murder Investigation

No stoper parts
The inspector report cited 3 fundamental negligences in the construction zone:
1- According to the investigation, the accident was caused by the lack of "stoppers" - parts that helped the elevator to stay in the uppermost level. After the elevator partially detailed from its track, its screws were broken, causing it to fall from Floor 32.
No ropes and parachutes
2- It turned out that material-carrying lifts and worker-carrying lifts must be separate - which wasn't the case at the construction zone. A preliminary search showed that the construction firm didn't possess rope and parachute systems in the lift.
Inexperienced workers
3- Lastly, the lift was operated by a majority of inexperienced workers. The last operator was only employed 5 days prior to the incident.
Labor and Social Security Ministry Inspection Council Chairman Mehmet Teze said that the investigation was complete and inspectors would finish up the final report in the days to come.
"This accident has been totally caused by the firm management. They have been too busy with the construction that they have forgotten the workplace security. However, safety comes first."
An expert report is also being expected soon. Regarding the incident, prosecutors and ministry inspectors have launched separate investigations. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.