Inıtiative Calls for Boycott Against Israel

Representatives of leftist institutions and labour organisations, who gathered at Tunel on an invitation by Initiative of Boycott Against Israel for Palestine, marched to Taksim Square with Palestinian flags and pennons, chanting slogans and applauding.
"Imperialists will lose, resisting peoples will win," "Murderer Israel, get out of the Middle East," "Long-live Brotherhood of the People," "Bıji bıratiya gelan", "Freedom to Palestine, boycott for Israel," "Murderer Israel, collaborator AKP," "Freedom to Palestine, boycott for Denizbank," chanted the group of about 500 people.
The protesters carried banners calling for a boycott against Dexia/Denizbank, which supplies financial support to Israel's settlement in the occupied lands.
Support from Carlos Latuff
Brazilian caricaturist Carlos Latuff also participated in the march. Latuff delivered a speech as the group reached Galatasaray. Latuff stated that it should not be forgotten that the people of Palestine have been living under the Israeli occupation and attacks for years, and called for a boycott against Israel.
The caricaturist stated that the Turkish people have two reasons to boycott Israel. "The people of Turkey should boycott Israel not only in the name of solidarity with the people of Palestine, but also in the name of the nine Turks, who were killed on board Mavi Marmara," said Latuff. "If Tayyip Erdogan is sincere about Israel, then he should cease diplomatic relations with Israel right now."
A press statement was made at the Taksim Square on behalf of the Boycott Initiative. The press statement reminded that the blockage against Gaza is continuing and added that the fact that there has been no concrete sanctions against Israel in the international arena for the attacks is further encouraging Israel. The Boycott Initiative stated that Israel may only be stopped through concrete sanctions and added that all bilateral relations with Israel should be ceased until the rights of the people of Palestine are recognised.
Alınteri, Barış Derneği (Peace Association), Demokratik Haklar Federasyonu (DHF) (Democratic Rights Federation), Emekçi Hareket Partisi (EHP) (Labourer Movement Party), Emek ve Özgürlük Cephesi (Labour and Freedom Front), Ezilenlerin Sosyalist Platformu (ESP) (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed), Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma Derneği (FHDD) (Solidarity With the Palestinian People Association), Halkevleri, İstanbul Tabip Odası (Istanbul Chamber of Medicine), Kaldıraç, Öğrenci Kolektifleri (Student Collectives), Partizan (Partisan), PDD, Sosyalist Gelecek (Socialist Future), Sosyalist Parti (Socialist Party), TKP and BDSP as the supporting institution participated in the march.
Cast Lea
Israel Defense Forces, on 27 December 2008 began the air operation named, "Operation Cast Lead." After eight days, it entered Gaza by land. Palestine Human Rights Centre stated that a total of 1,417 Palestinians, 926 of whom were civilians, and 419 of whom were militia and police officers had been killed as a result of the operation. 355 of those killed were children. (EÜ/EA)